February 2013
The Senate Appropriations Committee will review the proposed budget for DCNR on February 25. The House Committee will do so on March 5. Committee members will ask DCNR Secretary Rick Allen questions and express their thoughts about conservation and recreation funding. We want as many of them as possible to publicly express their strong support for the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund. Please contact legislators in their district offices to ask them to express their support and remind them how the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund has benefitted your community and the Commonwealth.
If you have a strong relationship with a member of the PA House or Senate Appropriation Committees, please contact them. (See list below.)
House and Senate Contact Information
It is optimal to contact Senators on February 19-22 and Representatives from Feb. 19 through March 4.
Majority (Republican)
Corman, Jake, Chair
Tomlinson, Robert M., Vice Chair
Pileggi, Dominic, Ex‑Officio
Scarnati, Joseph B., III, Ex‑Officio
Argall, David G.
Baker, Lisa
Brubaker, Mike
Gordner, John R.
Greenleaf, Stewart J.
Mensch, Bob
Rafferty, John C., Jr.
Smucker, Lloyd K.
Vance, Patricia H.
Vogel, Elder A., Jr.
Vulakovich, Randy
Waugh, Michael L.
Minority (Democrat)
Hughes, Vincent, Minority Chair
Ferlo, Jim, Minority Vice Chair
Costa, Jay, Ex‑Officio
Blake, John P.
Farnese, Lawrence M., Jr.
Schwank, Judith L.
Solobay, Timothy J.
Washington, LeAnna M.
Wozniak, John N.
Yudichak, John T.
Majority (Republican)
Adolph, Bill, Chair
Petri, Scott A., Vice Chair
O’Neill, Bernie, Secretary
Aument, Ryan P.
Boback, Karen
Christiana, Jim
Day, Gary
Denlinger, Gordon
Ellis, Brian L.
Everett, Garth D.
Gingrich, Maori
Grell, Glen R.
Grove, Seth M.
Killion, Thomas H.
Millard, David R.
Milne, Duane
Mustio, Mark
Oberlander, Donna
Peifer, Michael
Pyle, Jeffrey P.
Sonney, Curtis G.
Minority (Democrat)
Markosek, Joseph, Minority Chair
Boyle, Brendan F.
Bradford, Matthew D.
Brownlee, Michelle F.
Carroll, Mike
Conklin, H. Scott
Dean, Madeleine
Kula, Deberah
Mahoney, Tim
O’Brien, Michael H.
Parker, Cherelle L.
Sabatina, John P., Jr.
Santarsiero, Steven J.
Wheatley, Jake, Jr.
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